What is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation? The Simple Guide to Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is a treatment that uses magnet pulses to treat depression. TMS is designed to alleviate depression symptoms and give patients more control over their lives. While antidepressant medications are effective for many people and can be used to treat depression, there are side effects that may make it more difficult.
Depression medications work by altering the way your brain reacts to stimulation. It can be more difficult for some people to deal with depression. Prozac and other depression drugs, such as Prozac can cause brain chemical changes that can lead to depressive symptoms. While this can have a positive effect for some people, it can also cause problems for those who take depression medications. Prozac can, for instance, increase your heart rate and blood pressure. It can also affect your breathing. Antidepressants can cause this, which is bad. You have a greater chance of medication interfering with other medications if your symptoms are more severe.
How TMS can be used effectively
TMS must be performed neuropsychologically with an EEG or an Electromyogram in order to make it work. You should also ensure you don't have side effects from the electrodes. This issue should be discussed with your doctor as different electrode dosages may be necessary depending on your medical condition.
Side effects of TMS are temporary and do not last. It can be used for long periods of time without any side effects. TMS can be stopped at any time. You don't need to worry about withdrawal symptoms or get prescriptions. This is an excellent option for people who want to manage their depression without side effects.
For the TMS depressive procedures, additional equipment may be required. This could include a helmet or earplugs. A doctor is available to assist you if the equipment is not working properly. Before you start your treatment, you will be given information about the time it takes for visible results. Remember that TMS and treatment for depression take time.
You should be aware that TRMS is not a panacea that will solve all your problems. It won't happen overnight. You can speed up the process with TMS.
It will take patience and determination. From the beginning, you will need to commit to your recovery. If you are looking forward to checking any TMS specialist then you can research on the internet as there are many expertise are present online like pinnaclebehavioralhealth.com that are providing the best consultation before the treatment. This article might have helped you to understand TMS.
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