Discussion About Treating Depression with Tms Therapy

What is TMS?

The TMS stands for transcranial magnetic stimulation, this is a non-invasive procedure that uses magnetic fields and waves to stimulate and activate nerve cells in the brain to bring improvement in the state of depression. This is an ultimate method that is used by the clinicians when all the other treatments for depression are not as effective as they are.

TMS and depression have quite a  repulsive relationship! TMS as the treatment for depression consists of delivering repetitive magnetic pulses. This type of therapy can seem intimidating and appear as menacing for the people that are unfamiliar with it. People often get confused the TMS therapy with electroconvulsive therapy, although not as reliable as this, the electroconvulsive therapy might cause significant memory loss.

It is important for you to understand that it is a non-invasive procedure with very few or no side effects at all.

Lately, TMS is being used especially on the patients that are suffering from depression, but only when they do not respond to other treatments. There is research under process, to see whether TMS can be incorporated as a treatment for other disorders or not. Disorders including ADHD, schizophrenia, and OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) to begin with.

The TMS has been known to control the depression levels in some patients instantly, while others start to gain positive results that are long-lasting, although not permanent. Taking regular therapy sessions effectively helps in building the mechanisms in a good way to support this TMS therapy.


One of the most significant benefits of TMS is that it works even for the patients who couldn’t find relief from other methods of treatment for depression. While therapy can is the most effective way to work out the most common mood disorders such as depression, it certainly cannot address the physical triggers of depression. The TMS is a capable enough method to take care and give extra help that they need by addressing the physical reasons behind depression.  

We would also like to bring this to your attention that TMS is also the long term answer for depression. It has been observed that people with serious cases of depression have been evidently able to lead a happy life after TMS.

In the future, TMS is going to be highly beneficial to those with other disorders, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorders, substance abuse, and anxiety.

No matter what type of depression are you struggling with, finding a therapy that truly addresses and responds to your symptoms can be time-consuming and a frustrating process. TMS is a process that should be highly administered by trained medical professionals, this includes doctors as well as nurses.

Are there any side effects to it?

There are a few side effects concerning the TMS therapy. After a few treatments, some patients have reported a slight headache that can be treated by simple medication, which still stands at only around 10 percent. The list of side effects, however, are far lesser than that of the list of side effects people suffer while undergoing other treatments and medications.

This transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy (TMS), is the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved therapy for those that suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and MDD (major depressive disorder).

If you or someone in your close friends suffer from these depressive symptoms, then we suggest you should visit pinnaclebehavioralhealth.com and get the corresponding treatment right away! 


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