How to handle relationships and anger

The ability to manage anger can make or break a relationship. You can learn to manage your anger, communicate with your partner when you're angry, and control your partner. Sometimes we complain to our friends or point fingers How to control my anger It's not necessary to abandon your desire to decrease Sometimes, it can be tempting to get angry with your partner or make them feel inferior. You can't force your partner into open communication. you, not your partner It's easy to get upset and feel the need for comfort. Take a few deep breaths. Are you worried about anxiety and stress? Take one of our mental health quizzes to get a quick assessment and see if you are eligible for further treatment. Triangles Anger at your partner is a therapeutic way to express anger. Your anger can be vented to your friends and children. Solve problems There are some topics that can cause anger and conflict. It is often our inadverte...